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Sunday, March 29, 2015

A new filmaking star is born

I am not one to go see horror movies, supernatural or otherwise.  In my lifetime, there have been two distinct eras of horror films and their relative success rate.  The first, of course, was the 1980s.  The most recent era started in earnest around 2003 or so; initially as a tonic for people still reeling from 911.  It has since devolved into sequels of no importance, prequels of no importance, creepiness for the sake of creepiness, and stupidity ad infinitum.

However, a movie independently released last year when it premiered at Cannes has now been picked up for distribution by the Radius division of The Weinstein Company.  This movie, written, directed and co-produced by an up and coming filmmaker from Detroit, Michigan, David Robert Mitchell; has the unassuming title It Follows.  Virtually no one involved with this movie is a known face: possibly excepting Kier Gilchrist.  And yet; this stands out already as one of the better movies I have seen this year.  This is coming in the form of a supernatural thriller, which is rather surprising. 

Since there are many of you fellow readers that may not have gotten a chance to see this movie, I will not spoil it for you and urge you all to see this movie when you can.  I do however want to discuss an important aspect of this movie that I believe David Robert Mitchell wanted to show.  That would be the idea that sex equals eventual self destruction.  You see, the premise of this movie involves teenagers in Detroit becoming rebellious by dating someone without, I think, the expressed consent of their family.  Apparently, once the act of consent occurs, both partners begin to see an apparition of a person walking towards them.  If they are not careful, the apparition begins to physically and sexually attack these teenagers, leading to death or personal destruction.  Mr. Mitchell implies that the apparitions these teenagers see are that of a family member, and usually it is one of their parents.  That of course is when the real horror these teenagers have begin. 

Yet what exactly is this real and true horror?  Is it the act of having sex? Perhaps the disapproval of a family member?  Getting a disease?  The realization that children will need to grow up and do their own thing?  Maybe it is calling out the old man or woman on their own shit?  I am still trying to figure these interpretations myself.  It is likely all of these feelings and much more. 

Now again, I know a good deal of you have yet to see this movie: so any deeper analysis and explanations of this film would be needing to delve into spoiling almost everything.  That might work when pretty much anyone knows the movie in question.  It Follows is not one of those movies.  None the less, I think David Robert Mitchell is on his way to becoming one of the more Interesting filmmakers of independent cinema, with a very unique voice regarding the new teenage culture and lifestyle.  As it is, It Follows for me is more of a character study on psychological fears and urges than a supernatural horror film.  This movie needs to be seen. 

I want to finish by stating an important development.  Last Friday, I deleted a post regarding the German wings aircraft crash that I had initially published just prior to newer information coming out that negated my initial ideas as to what happened on the plane.  I do apologize for this, and for anyone that may have been upset at this conflagration.  One of the passengers on the flight was Oleg Bryjak, a noted opera singer that had recently performed as Siegfried in a production of Richard Wagner's The Ring Cycle.  Here below is an excerpt of a recent performance he made.

I will have more to say on what needs to be done for flight travel as we move forward.  None the less, what we say will not change the fact that 150 are now dead for no apparent reason.

Talk to you all later,


Monday, March 23, 2015

Forensically Analyzing a Senator

Well, now it has been confirmed.  Today, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) announced, without any pretext, he is running for President Of The United States.  Let me point out that I have no intention of voting for Sen. Cruz.  I have for the past 15 years and continue to believe that New York Democratic Sen. and Sec. Of State Hillary Rodham Clinton is the eventual President we deserve.  When I say we, I also mean for those right wing sorts.  You may have forgotten; yet during Bill Clinton's Presidency, virtually most conservative economic agendas, along with tweaking a few social agendas, were initiated benefiting all.  Indeed, Tim Russert once said that the best thing to happen to Bill Clinton was then Rep. Newt Gingrich.  I did not always agree with the agenda, and have been proven right in the economic problems since.  Yet, it did work.

Sen. Cruz is, none the less, quite the intriguing political figure.  Like many of you, I had watched his speech today in Virginia and was not surprised at what was said.  What did surprise me was the immediacy of declaring a candidacy and effectively setting the agenda for the next year.  This is before many other political leaders, including Hillary Clinton, have announced their candidacy.  This is also before the unwritten campaign occurs; the behind the scenes discussions as to whether or not President Barack Obama decides to run for a third term. 

So what do I make of Sen. Ted Cruz?  In short, I think Sen. Cruz is one of the two Republicans to potentially get the nomination; the other person being Gov. Scott Walker (R-WS).  Yet, there is a lot more that needs to be discussed, and I still am attempting to parse my words and present my thoughts.  With that in mind, I will soon post another essay regarding this interesting character in Sen. Cruz; this one more thorough and analytical.  Here though is a parable by Dr. Seuss that I assume Sen. Ted Cruz has read and is familiar with. 

The highway in modern terms is, I think, organized religion, conglomerates, and multi-national leadership outside the US.  It will leave the uneducated in America standing in their tracks not budging if no one is aware.

By the way, Liberty University is in my opinion not a legitimate university.  It is as legitimate as For Profit Online University, only the latter is a clear joke.  Be aware if you have given personal information to Howard.

Talk to you by tomorrow,


Friday, March 20, 2015

The Netanyahu Era

On November 1, 1988, Benjamin Netanyahu, a journalist, political scientist, educator and son of noted Israeli nationalist educator Ben Zion Netanyahu (1910-2012) was first elected to the Knesset representing the Likud Party.  On St. Patrick's Day 2015, Mr. Netanyahu was reelected to the Knesset for the ninth time; the fourth of which recognized as Prime Minister of Israel and leader of the Likud Party.  In these 27 years, the nearly 66 year old PM has been largely responsible in remaking Israel, and by extension the identity of the Jewish People themselves, into a mirror image of himself.

What I mean by that is Bibi, as he is known by admirers and detractors alike, has become the effective one person leader whose actions, statements, and beliefs are enacted as instantly as one can snap a finger.  Certainly other Israeli political leaders have come and gone during this time; most notably Yitzhak Shamir, Yitzhak Rabin and Ariel Sharon, each one representing three different political ideologies.  And yet, it has been Benjamin Netanyahu that has been defining the agenda for Israel at least throughout this time frame.  There can be little doubt that as of today, the political mind frame of the Israeli and Jewish identity has become more right leaning and nationalist in approach and needs. 

Why is that?  Sitting at my desk tonight, in a country that I hope has turned more leftward and inclusive though it could be easy to say on my end being in New York; the fact that the leadership of the Jewish State has been mainly right-wing conservative these years while many American Jews identify themselves as Democrats, seems odd.  Yet, that seems to be the kicker: the US is a land mass that has yet to be systemically attacked militarily and in forms of actual terrorism.  The US is surrounded east and west by two oceans.  It is not bordered by neighboring countries that have a claimant on the land for religious reasons, to say nothing of secular reasons.  It has not used nuclear ambiguity: officially denying nuclear weaponry while keeping a large supply in facilities over the decades such as Dimona. 

Moreover, the US, protestations from Christians notwithstanding, is mainly a secular nation.  Religion does not matter as political policy.  To put it another way, laws and guidelines from the great Jewish texts such as the Talmud and the Torah Is official political policy in Israel.  It is not stated in the Basic Law of the land; yet with at least four political parties that lean right and some of which are more conservative than Likud, you can see why Judaism plays a role in everyday life in Israel. 

There is another huge difference in the political leadership of Benjamin Netanyahu as opposed to other leaders.  Mr. Netanyahu is, like it or not, a theorist and educator first before anything.  In speeches and writings, the PM has referenced noted politicians and historians to make a point, valid or invalid.  One such historian mentioned is Bernard Lewis.  I can remember needing to read Bernard Lewis' writings in one of my Hofstra courses on International Relations; not everything was agreeable, yet I came away from Mr. Lewis' writings at least understanding his viewpoint.  One such viewpoint is the issue of Iran relative to its acquiring of a nuclear weapon.  The mindset of the current Iranian leadership, namely Ayatollah Khamenei and the leadership of the Supreme Council, views time not as how we view it in instances for days and weeks and months.  Time is viewed more fluidly; a day is but an hour, a year only a mere day.  Memories and remembrances persist, long after the forefathers pass away and the centuries continue.  Thus, acquiring a nuclear arsenal does not matter if it comes in 2015 or even 2115.  For the Iranian leadership, the idea will manifest and be enacted upon.  And once something is legally acquired; its usage is imminent when the time comes.  The Bernard Lewis quote is something to the extant of " Iran acquiring a nuclear weapon is not a deterrent; it is an inducement."  Not many politicians will say such things.  Benjamin Netanyahu is such a person who says these things.

And it is these ideas and statements from a geopolitical leader that draws attention to those that need the attention: the voters.  You know, it was a similar ideal taking place during the Iranian presidency of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad; A Muslim theorist and educator whose ideals and writings prompted Iranians from 2005-2013 to consider these processes.  The irony of it all is Mr. Ahmadinejad was a politically liberal minded President more in tune, so to speak, with our current leadership.  By contrast, Iran is now more directly in the hands of right-leaning clerics who do indeed feel acquiring nuclear technology as an inducement to be enacted upon when the time comes.  Knowing that, could it be any surprise that more turnout was present last Tuesday in the Knesset elections; with the idea that the very existence of the Jewish identity was being threatened, imaginary or otherwise.  Could it be a surprise to anyone that the idea of a Zionist Union led government, while far more preferred for myself and the world at large, would strike concern to more nationalist right-leaning Israelis that a surprising turnout, likely fueled by election fraud, would alter the predictions of many that would lead Likud to have the plurality in the Knesset once more. 

As I said, this was not the outcome many expected.  Yet, Benjamin Netanyahu is still Prime Minister of Israel; maybe the most influential PM Israel has put forth in its 68 year history.  I think this is mainly due to his educational and journalistic acumen; a rare feat these days.  So, now that Bibi is here to stay; what will the US and World response be?  If you want to, do leave comments below regarding this essay.  I do like being a bit more interactive in this approach.  I shall also in a later time look at what may come for the Middle East as it heads to a war which, sad to say, is imminent.  One can only hope peace breaks out.

Talk to you again shortly,


Monday, March 16, 2015

A growing perception about people with Asperger's Syndrome

In recent years, people on the autistic spectrum, and particularly those who have Asperger's Syndrome, have become stereotyped by ignorant people into thinking that if a person has the diagnosis, they are either:

A sexually confused individual


not very bright

only interested in trivial matters

and most recently, also most troubling; harmful people with the potential to murder others.

It is not all true.  I have Asperger's Syndrome.  I know what my sexual interests are; in that I am attracted to the opposite sex (females in this case).  My levels of communication are just like that of other people; maybe I do get wordy at times, yet that is just me.  I have a University degree, which proves wrong many traits I will not get to in this post.  Also, as can be seen here and elsewhere, my concerns are about the world we live in; and what can be done to better it. 

Now, admittedly, I have had issues pertaining to not being able to keep my emotions in check.  Indeed, each time I have gotten upset visually over something personal that I had reason to complain; the outcome was not all positive, if anything good were to come out of it.  And yet, there are some things I can say that I am proud of in that matter:

I have never owned a firearm and have no reason to ever own one.

I have never said to any one "I am going to kill you" in a fit of anger.

I have made amends, or at least tried to, once some stupid crap occurred.

And, most notably, I did not use my Asperger's Syndrome as a license to do anything to anyone.

In short, Robert Kelly (that's me) has not done any of this.  Robert Durst has done pretty much all of this.  Were I or you to do even one of the crimes Mr. Durst committed; we would be in prison for life at least.  Three of these crimes, we would be given death by lethal injection.  So what has made Robert Durst been able to, until last night, get away with killing at least three people, possibly two others, and likely even commit financial fraud?

Well that last one is a bit of a giveaway, is it not?  Robert Durst is the nearly 72 year old son of the late real estate magnate Seymour Durst, and older brother of Durst Industries CEO Douglas Durst.  The Durst family are billionaires in the world of real estate, including land development in New York State.  Yes, Robert Durst left or was kicked out of the family business some 20 years ago; yet the inheritance money still remained. 

What does that mean in this world?  Absolutely, unequivocally, Nothing.  Mr. Durst, and by extension the Durst family, are clear examples of obtaining wealth and riches without making a valuable service to humanity.  These people, in short form, are the members of the 1% whose contributions to humanity are miniscule at best, non existent at worst.  Put it another way, Fred Durst has meant more to this world than Robert Durst has ever meant.  And they are not even related, thank goodness. 

It is, however, quite the lack of surprise when a man of his own avarice and vanity thinks that sitting down for an interview to tell his side of a story wherein he is the outright villain will merit sympathy and nothing will come of it.  One slip of the tongue, one moment caught off-guard, one look at the track record of who is interviewing you: in this matter Andrew Jarecki, and everything can end for the subject in regards to his freedom and his integrity.

Yet, unlike Andrew Jarecki's 2003 documentary Capturing The Friedmans, the Paradise Lost series of films about the West Memphis 3, Errol Morris' 1988 documentary The Thin Blue Line and 2013 book A Wilderness of Error, or even in a certain matter the Truman Capote novel and later film In Cold Blood; The Jinx is not an opening of setting Robert Durst free of the crimes charged.  It is not even, in the Capturing The Friedmans matter, a look at a case where innocence is there yet some form of guilt is presented to the deceased.  With the revelations presented in The Jinx; it becomes abundantly clear that Robert Durst is, to paraphrase Garry Trudeau in an early Doonesbury comic strip about people in the Watergate affair, "Guilty, Guilty, Guilty!" 

Here below is the final coup de grace in the six part series; a structure in life I know all too well.  You see, I too can usually talk to myself when not many are around.  A lot of times, the truth comes out.  All I kept thinking after seeing this is; why did it take this long for the truth to come out on Mr. Durst and the last 33 years.

That final 2 minutes or so of the miniseries has, I think, elevated The Jinx to becoming one of the most seminal programs to have been aired on American television, much less HBO.  At the least, we will be looking at The Jinx in the same way we look at The Wire and Paradise Lost: HBO programs that changed everything regarding their subjects.  In most regards, I think this will be studied in Universities, at Law Schools and Law Firms, and in Film Schools on pretty much any subject matter pertaining to the issue of crime.  Personally, I think The Jinx, and Andrew Jarecki, deserve a Peabody award for this important work.

We will shortly see if this drives the last nail in Robert Durst's credibility.  We shall also see if his matter starts a trend from people with Asperger's Syndrome to have the ignorant know we are not all like Mr. Durst, or even from 3 years back Adam Lanza. One thing is certain though: Robert Durst may likely spend the remainder of his life more notorious and despised than before.  What a stupid yet monstrous person he has turned out to be.

Well, I advise all of you fellow travelers to go see The Jinx; which you can now watch on demand from the beginning to the end.  You will not be disappointed.  Tomorrow, I plan on posting my thoughts on the elections in Israel; which I think will have untold consequences for the Middle East region, and yes the world itself.  Feel free to comment on what you read and see here.

Talk to you tomorrow,


Thursday, March 12, 2015

Updates to the weblog

Hello to all my fellow travelers and readers of Something To Say If Anyone Hears.

I wanted to point out that I have altered the process of commenting on this blog.  I had noticed that while the site has been generating a lot of buzz; only four comments were posted.  So, I wondered; what could be done to increase web traffic and provide a more interactive approach?

Well, I was able to include Disqus software as part of the commenting experience.  For that to happen, I altered the settings of commenting so that any person can now comment on the blog.  I do hope this will help to increase traffic and have the site become more interactive.  Soon to come, I reiterate, will be Twitter and Instagram posts, video weblogs which may also involve a good deal of production, perhaps a podcast; and at a later time I will look further into using WordPress software if the blog needs expanding. 

So, in another matter, how would we open the proposed Doug revisited movie?  Here is how I would open it.

It starts with animated prototypical shots of chaos and confusion of some evil overlord wreaking havoc on a major city.  Perhaps it is Dr. Klotzenstein yet again.  Suddenly, in the sky, we see Quail Man (looking like Doug) and his sidekick that looks like Porkchop, the dog of the Funnie family.  Using his powers of patience, intelligence and speed; Quail Man is able to outsmart Dr. Klotzenstein with his new mind control device.  The visuals are all stunning, action packed, and then...

The film stops.  We see it is a conference room near Marvel Studios where Doug Funnie and Porkchop are looking at rough footage and dailies to start the latest film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.  In the conference room, Doug and some of the movie executives and the film's director (likely J.B. Spigett) are going over how the visuals of the movie are excellent.  Doug, however, is a bit suspect on how the plot seems to be all cookie cutter.  He suggests the need to reshoot some scenes this early in the production.  While the executives tend to agree, one that seems to resemble and might be indeed Stan Lee, says something like:

"We may need another half million to cover costs"
"Doug, the fans expect a linear narrative, not self reflection" or some words to that extant.

It is then that we hear the first, and likely not the last, Beeyou which occurs when Doug cannot get a word in edgewise.

We leave the conference room to return to Doug's impressive home near the area where he now does a video journal on his website and synced to other sites like, say, Me View and Open Life.  It reaches at least hundreds of thousands of views each post; and as he begins his new video blog, we begin to notice that a lot has changed in Doug Funnie and his life since we last saw him in 1999.

As I said, this is an ongoing process.  More of my story treatment on revisiting Doug will come as I can think of them. 

Oh yes; I plan a seeing a movie tomorrow.  I had been interested in seeing Chappie.  Has anyone seen it?  If so, is it that much of a disappointment, or perhaps just misunderstood?  Let me know in the comments section.

Talk to you later


Monday, March 9, 2015

Vine crap

Social Media is a very important and transpiring form of journalism and enlightenment.  Places such as one's own personal blog, YouTube, Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, Wikipedia and numerous social political economic websites are valuable hubs of information on our world and ourselves.  Yet, some aspects of Social Media is not acceptable.  A person could use Twitter or their weblog to announce to an unsuspecting populace their need to take a piss.  Indeed, Twitter says in short form what needs to be said in long form.

Vine is equally guilty of this short attention span aspect of our culture.  In Vine, one has between 6 and 10 seconds to do something asinine that maybe younger people find funny, yet I and others would fine disgusting.  This below is not only disgusting and shameful; it is Fucking Disgusting and Shaneful.

I do not know whom these people are.  Judging by the video, they appear to be white males, with maybe a female there or two.  It is apparently clear All on the bus on singing this faux sing a long chant.  It also seems they belong to a fraternity of all whites named the SAE (whatever that means) at the University Of Oklahoma.  They also appear drunk, rowdy, cocky, and perhaps thinking life at OU as being a real life Animal House.  Oh yes; they also hate African-Americans and Afro-Americans to such an extant to say the N word at least three times. 

You know, when I was a school kid, if one person in a classroom or part of a student body did even something remotely this offensive; we all got punished.  I did not always like it; indeed, much of the time only one or two classmates were pains in the rear end.  Yet, our educators would have none of this selective punishment ideal.  In their eyes, rightly or wrongly, we were all to blame.  I again state that I do not know who these SAE members are.  Yet in my view, their silence speaks of condoning this practice.  It says that because of being in a fraternity, they are above all morals and standards.  These frat people are dead fucking wrong.

It is why this day I applaud Sen. David L. Boren (D-OK), whom resigned in 1994 after 16 years upon accepting the position of President of OU where he still is to this day, with the actions taken to clean this filth.  This does include banning and dismembering the SAE.  Here below is Sen. Boren's press conference.

This needs to go further, in my opinion.  In my five years at Hofstra University, I did not join a fraternity.  And I felt I did not need to.  What was once a noble cause has turned into nothing more than a long term party which does not end well for anyone.  How I see it; the fraternity system nationwide needs to be abandoned.  If not abandoned, public registration on how is in these frats need to be revealed.  And yes, that would include the most secretive of societies at The University of Virginia, among other universities.  If you are in a fraternity, your identity must be known.

It is sad to think that in 50 years since the Voting Rights Act, racism including against Afro-Americans and African-Americans, exist and persist.  What is even more sadder is it is in the minds of people who are younger than me; I'm 32.  Last year, a movie was released that got little attention yet fully explores this issue of University fraternities and their racism.  It is named Dear White People.  I got the chance to see it in a theater last October; I enjoyed it and agreed with much of the sentiments.  Sadly, only a dozen or so people were watching the film with me that day; and I was practically one of two white people there.  Please, go see this movie; especially if you are thinking about joining a frat. 

As for those in the fraternity, saying something cursive and direct like piss off is even the tamest I can think at this moment.  Let your shame drag you for all times, unless repentance and reconciliation occurs.

Catch up with you all later,


Saturday, March 7, 2015

An Idea for revisiting an old favorite

Nickelodeon used to have a very good lineup of animated programs that were entertaining and told an engaging story.  This was especially true in their Nick Toons era of 1991-1998.  One of their greatest accomplishments was initially distributing an animated series created and co-written by Jim Jenkins named Doug. 

Doug began in 1991, and ended in 1999 after six seasons, one movie, and Doug being shown on ABC and distributed by The Walt Disney Company; this occurred after Jenkins' company, Jumbo Pictures (now Cartoon Pizza), was acquired by Disney in 1996.  Both eras of Doug were quite good; although the earlier Nickelodeon/Viacom era of Doug (better known as the Billy West era) were more acclaimed and liked by many.  I had always wondered what would be like to revisit Doug after some 16 years when it ended.  I remember it ended when the father of Patty Mayonnaise got married to Doug's English teacher in BeBe Bluff Junior High; along with Doug Funnie's older sister, Judy, going to university.  Of course, the shows were presented in a journal entry format.  So what would happen if we revisit the town of Bluffington and its inhabitants today?  Here is what I think would occur.

In 2015, Doug Funnie is now a noted writer, web personality, and comic book creator.  In this world, some years after high school or college graduation, Doug finally is able to get published his super hero alter ego, Quail Man.  Quail Man becomes a big part of the Marvel Universe; and by extension gets talked about over the web, in the trades, and becomes a part of the popular culture.  The notoriety and importance of Doug Funnie and Quail Man has only been expanded when it is announced that Quail Man is getting his own movie in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. 

All should be okay for Doug, right?  Well, there are some concerns about the timing of releasing the movie; it plans to come out only a week or so after the new Man O Steel Man movie is released.  Also, Doug jotted down a screenplay which is constantly being tweaked to fit the needs of a movie-going public; particularly of concern is how to address Quail Man's origins.  Another thing; Marvel/Disney are interested in shooting some on location scenes in Bluffington. 

The latter concern is more problematic for Doug; he has not been back home for at least a year plus after getting his own home out of state.  What will it be like to return to where it all began?  Did leaving create a void in some respects in the Funnie household?  Does Patty Mayonnaise still have feelings for Doug?  How do the townsfolk fel about exaggerated versions of themselves being portrayed in Quail Man? Is Roger Klotz still kind of a prick? And are the rumors true that the creature at Lucky Duck Lake has returned? 

I seem to have an idea of where this may be going.  Yet, like all ideas, it takes some time and refine to make it presentable.  Every so often, I will reveal an idea or section of a proposed new Doug movie that will detail more on the Doug universe and how I see it playing out.  Perhaps as this comes along others will join in the creative process.  Maybe people from Disney or Cartoon Pizza or even Viacom/CBS.  I will say; if a new Doug movie ever gets made, Billy West has to return as Doug and Roger.  The other guy, Thomas McHugh, was mediocre at best. 

So I will have more as time goes on.  And there will be more to come on so many other matters and different ideas of social media to come.  Do feel free to join me in this conversation by commenting on this and other posts.  I end this with a montage of every time in old school Doug Fred Newman would use the Beeyou sound.  This happened when embarrassing stuff went down.

Talk to you all later,


Thursday, March 5, 2015

Two coasts; two planes

It has been a most interesting spring so far in New York.  March is still in Smarch territory; and today 7 inches of snow fell down in a storm to remember.  It looks quite beautiful outside; then again I live in Long Island, where most snowfall looks pleasing to the wistful eye.  Yet, in New York City, the snow has become troublesome and prone to cause accidents.

A passenger jet plane taking off from LaGuardia Airport skidded left to right and then left again; it caused damage to the plain and quite a mess of a derailment.  Fortunately, no one was seriously injured to merit a critical condition classification.  Those that were injured and transferred to hospital should be back on their feet within a short period of time.  The reputation to LaGuardia, however, has been hit yet again.  The airport did Not need this incident to occur.

3000 plus miles away in California, near beautiful downtown Venice, a 1942 fighter bomber jet crashed near a field.  On that plane was Harrison Ford, himself quite a noted licensed pilot in addition to being one of our living legends in film.  Ford was badly hurt, with blood apparently all over his face.  He is now in hospital, with the hope he will get better.  Though this is considered serious for the condition Harrison Ford is in.

I mention this to note in some form or another our ever changing climate, and the ramifications it can and will have on our means of transport.  Yes, today the snow in New York and the warmth in California may not mean much.  Yet, suppose the snow went to Venice, hardly a possibility but one to think about.  What if the 1942 plane were in New York, for another example.  For that matter, would the passenger jet have skidded off the runway and near the water if the plane were taking off from LAX?  More importantly, with our climate being what it is now, can we be expecting more of these patterns of plane problems in the near future? 

I can understand these questions about transportation and climate seem rather odd on a day where two plane crashes appear more of a coincidence than anything.  Yet, I suppose we need to discuss these matters.  The next weather and plane incidents might not produce the preferred outcome we all hope occurs.  Let me know what you all think of these concerns.  It can get lonely only speaking to myself.

Catch up with you later,


PS.  Han and Gredo shot at the same time, and Deckard is a replicant.  I will not be disputing anything to the contrary.

Monday, March 2, 2015

The coming inside job, if left unchecked

I was 18 years old and starting my first year at Hofstra University.  It was my second week there.  The Sunday prior, I was at my grandparents' home as I have done every Sunday these past 17 years; watching Meet The Press with Tim Russert.  The issue that Sunday was the revelation that the purported Social Security lockbox and budget surplus inherited by the George W. Bush presidency had been entirely cocked up.  The next day, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld admitted that the Pentagon misplaced over $2 trillion.  The public seemed to understand that not a year after Bush was elected, a mistake was made in choosing a president. 

Tuesday came, and I was heading for my Political Science course when fellow students and educators mentioned that two planes hit both towers of the World Trade Center.  We began a discussion on what was to come, politically economically and socially.  It was cut off when another student informed us of a hit on the Pentagon, along with an unconfirmed report of an attack on the Washington Monument.  Class was dismissed that day; by which many of us packed into Bits N Bytes to see the South Tower collapse.  Within minutes, the North Tower would also collapse. 

For days on end, throughout the rest of 2001, we all were asking ourselves what had occurred, who did this, and more importantly; were we wasting time on so much shit that never mattered.  Everyone had their own answer; mostly a fairy tale sort of story that had us as the victims and certain people and groups as the villains.  Overtly simplistic and without merit. 

I should say; that day I was saddened but not surprised.  I had felt the World Trade Center was prone to be attacked by the first year of a new presidency, as had occurred when Bill Clinton was president.  Thus when it happened, it was only meant to be more destructive than before.  It became clear before the year was out; to me at least, that 911 was not the simplistic tale with a simplistic outcome to soothe a grieving and stupefied public.  911 was, indeed, an inside job. 

Of course, when finding this out and accepting the truth, It became obvious why such a false flag had indeed been made to occur.  Foremost above all, two facts came forth that were and are without question: the reserve currency of the US Dollar meant little, and the Earth was dying. 

Perhaps the latter claim meant little to anyone; only until The Day After Tomorrow was completed in 2004 did the threat of Global Warming, which does include the Earth needing to cool itself after unprecedented warmth with unprecedented cold, become accepted to many.  With that knowledge, those that own us all, the global bankers of the Rothschild dynasty, feel that killing off 90% of the world population is no big deal when the Earth will need less humans.  Witness, if you will, the amount of propaganda being spewed out of denial of climate change, along with statements that amount to a useless shrug. 

It has been 14 years, and I am concerned this is starting again.  The Earth is now at that stage where the warming of the world will lead to a massive cool down; not unlike when you get angry and outrageous that you become cold and virtually immobile afterwards.  We see this in places like the US Northeast, where March has turned into Smarch. 

We notice this when one US Dollar is worth less than one Euro, one Yuan, one Pound and one Dinar.  We notice this when an increasing number of people, typified by celebrities, begin to pass away when times are tough.  And we notice this when change in political and social leadership cannot come soon enough.  In a way, 36 years after President Jimmy Carter made a televised speech telling any one watching to grow the hell up; few of us have listened.

Where does this leave us?  It leaves us with yet another false group of rebels backed by us and our leaders attempting to make "war" on those not involved with Islam.  Not to mention stories to be told to neo-luddites about the dangers of the internet; now it is the Islamic State that is the current boogeyman.  And, oh yes, fabricated stories being presented about kidnapped children and unwitting recruits; all of which is nonsense. 

We are being set up with another inside job; one that should cause much of the non learned world to cease thinking and be lead to their untimely deaths.  What saddens me is the proponents of this war are now those that 10 years ago were against this destruction.  Thus, I am concerned this inside job may occur.  Yet, it should not.  I know that I will be aware that what we are told is a lie.  Yet, as it always has, more will be willing to believe a lie than face the truth.

Before 2001 ended, I became more engaged with some important films and music that I feel have shaped my outlook.  There was one song post 911 which when I heard again during the Holidays I was weeping uncontrollably; for it described everything.  Uniquely, it was recorded 15 years prior.  And it was a Jackson Browne song; Lives In The Balance.

This potential false flag need not happen.  Maybe with enough knowledge, this may yet be averted.

Talk to you all later, and be well,
